The Fast Forward Newsletter

The Project: BSR launched a new publication—The Fast Forward—on emerging issues with the power to shape sustainable business over the next 5-10 years. In addition to marketing campaigns for the launches of the first two editions, I also developed a marketing strategy to promote the newsletter and grow the list to position BSR as a leader on the forefront of sustainability and edited the July 2021 edition.

My Role: Marketing Lead, Lead Editor

Activities: For this project, I collaborated with cross-functional teams on product design, created the marketing strategy for growing the newsletter list (which included social media, segmented eblasts, and an onboarding drip campaign), and wrote copy for the newsletter and its promotional eblasts.

I also project-managed the publication of the July 2021 edition and worked with writers to edit all of the content.

Results: Grew list by nearly 120% within three months of publication launch.


Campaign and publication landing page, which I used to inspire the newsletter design.

Example of a targeted promotional eblast from this campaign