Stakeholder Engagement Guide

The Project: BSR launched its guide on best practices for stakeholder engagement, and my team created a marketing campaign to get it in the hands of sustainable business practitioners. This was a major pillar of BSR’s go-to-market strategy. 

My Role: Digital Marketing Lead, Content Creator

Activities: For this project, I created LinkedIn ads, scripted and edited the video, wrote the direct eblast to targeted BSR members, and collaborated with my team on the landing page and graphics.

Results: This campaign resulted in significantly higher than average metrics, including the best-performing BSR LinkedIn advertising campaign of all time, a 30% email click-thru rate, and a 12% report download conversion rate. My team also used the lead generation list from this campaign to market a similar piece of content in 2020, which resulted in a 30% email open rate, 14% click-thru rate, and 16% report download conversion rate.


LinkedIn ads

Campaign video

Launch eblast to BSR members